PAN0002 – An Update From Peter Nolan


This is an email to my MGTOW List that has to be put on a page because my emailer has a limit on the size of the email that can be sent out.

It is not intended to be used to send very long text emails, and this email is a very long text email.

So the text below is taken from the email I intended to send out.

As everyone on this email list knows I proved that alimony and child support are voluntary payments in January 2008.

I then went on to create three different ways for men to not volunteer to pay alimony and child support.

These different ways had different features and ways of doing it, but each had the same result, the man did not pay alimony and child support.

Of course, I always knew alimony and child support are voluntary, however, we all know that if a man goes public and proves that he will be attacked by national governments and women because the governments and the women make a LOT of money out of alimony and child support.

Given that governments regularly jail men for not paying these voluntary amounts it was also clear to me that our governments were a criminal cartel and that alimony and child support were just one more crime that they were committing.

So, once I had survived being suicidal in April 2008? I had a choice to make.

Would I simply have Jennifer killed, collect the million dollar insurance policy, and go about my life raising what I believed to be my children making USD300K+ a year?

That was a very good life I could have lived.

$A1M would pay off my $A225K mortgage with plenty to spare.

I would be able to take a local job in Dublin for the 4 years it would take Joshua to reach 18.

I would never be short on money ever again.

I would never have to put up with Jennifer again.

One of the men who offered to kill Jennifer for me even offered to do it for free.

“Just give me EUR5K for expenses. I will wash it for the serial numbers. Give me a recent photo. Give me Jennifer’s address. And in a few weeks all your problems will be solved. She will have an accident. You will be free of her.” He said.

Balancing against this very appealing offer was my concerns for my fellow men and my devout Christian religion.

I had spent May 2008 talking to men who were being criminally abused in the divorce courts.

They were normal men. Many good fathers. They were being criminally abused and they didn’t even know it. They were mostly average IQ men and below average IQ men. Some were higher IQ men. But not many.

They were frantic, angry, upset, all the emotions. They had no clue what was really being done to them. They just missed their kids and wanted to be with them to raise them as they had dreamed of all their lives.

These were good men. Salt of the earth men. Men who made my life better by doing the shitty jobs I didn’t want to do and who, only by the Grace of God, was I not doing.

It was God who gave me my high IQ. I didn’t deserve it. I didn’t earn it. My high IQ was bestowed on me as a divine gift.

So I had to make a choice.

Would I have Jennifer killed for EUR5K with ZERO chance of being jailed for it?

Would I go on to have a great life. Raise my kids?

Even been seen as a “victim” of a “terrible accident” that had killed my then wife leaving me as the heroic father raising my motherless children?


Would I do as Jesus commanded me and “love one another as I have loved you”?

Would I “love my neighbour as my self”?

Would I defend the rights of these other divine creations of God who were not able to defend themselves?

Would I defend these men who did not even know me, who I did not know, who did not have the IQ to defend themselves, who were the salt of the earth, hard working men, doing shitty jobs, merely because I chose to?

I was fully aware that if I chose option 2, in all likelihood I would be killed or jailed for a very long time.

I did not think they would let me live for exposing the committee of 300 let alone working to actually remove them.

We all know that 999 men out of 1000 would choose option one. Kill the ex. Live in peace and prosperity. No point taking on the worlds most powerful men because you can’t win. You will only end up dead or in jail.

We all know 999 men out of 1000 would choose option one.

As we all know…I chose option 2.

I went public in June 2008 and the first thing I said was that alimony and child support are voluntary payments, that the divorce courts are a criminal cartel, and that men are being murdered by proxy in those divorce courts.

Of course, the divorce courts are just one part of the committee of 300s depopulation program. But the divorce courts are such a criminal cartel there can be no question that men are being criminally abused in them.

So rather than tell people about the overall depopulation program, which would result in “you are just a tin foil hat conspiracy nutter” foolishness. I would tell people about the divorce courts where I already had the absolute proof of their criminality. No one could call me a “conspiracy nutter” for pointing out the criminality of the divorce courts.

Then, over the period, June 2008 to November 2009, my colleagues and I created a remedy for the divorce courts. Men went to jail testing our “remedy under development”. We did not understand exactly how the courts were working and we needed test cases for various approaches to see what worked and what did not work.

I will note that no lawyers we approached were willing to help us and explain what was going on. We warned all such lawyers who refused to help that their punishment would be very severe.

As you all know. I shot this video on 2009-11-26.

===>>> Divorce Court Meeting <<<===

I have asked countless thousands of men to share that link so that young men know to never get married and never have children. And men can’t even be bothered to share a link.

This video has on it crimes in progress. To my left rear at 11:50 you can see two armed Australian Federal Police Officers. In Australia AFPs have powers that FBI/CIA can only dream about. There is almost no limit on what they are legislated to be able to do.

They were rather obviously there to intimidate me. I expected the feds to come and kill me overnight knowing that I had taken that video. I was quite surprised to wake up alive in the morning.

Early on the 2009-11-27 I went to the post office and I mailed about 10 copies of the video to 10 different people and just asked them to hold onto the disk until I was back in Germany.

A couple of those people watched it and wrote back that they were very concerned for my safety having seen the feds in the video.

As we all know now. The feds didn’t kill me and didn’t jail me. At the time I didn’t know why. It was not until 2012 that I found out why they did not kill me or jail me for an extended period.

Then, as you all know, in October 2010 I was doxxed, so I released the book:

“Living Free in the Femnazi World”.

This got over 100,000 downloads. It got a lot of reads online as well.

John Rambo got most of those downloads but putting links to it EVERYWHERE and encouraging young men to download it.

“Living Free in the Femnazi World” contained the proposed remedy to the divorce courts. This proved very popular with men, and was hated by women because it was fair and just.

I followed this up with “The Truth Be Told” and “How to Be A Good Wife” in 2012 and 2013.

Also, in 2009-13 I ran court cases in the USA, Canada. Ireland, UK, Australia, and New Zealand to prove alimony and child support were voluntary in all those places.

In 2013 I ran a divorce case in Australia where I sent one single “Lawful Notice” to the wife. The cops stopped responding to her calls, her lawyer dropped her. She even returned the car she planned to steal.

The divorce certificate arrived in the mail 8 months later.

The husband also did not pay the $A50K credit card debt of the wife because the bank accepted that he had NEVER BEEN LEGALLY MARRIED to his wife and therefore could not legally be responsible for her debts.

That young man, 26 at the time, said that he felt I saved his life.

Lastly, in this section, it is also very well known that my subs have referred men to me who are suicidal and I have spend many thousands of hours talking to men who are suicidal and encouraging them to choose life.

The most famous of which was alt-MGTOW because he publicly announced that he was going to commit suicide. My colleagues, ZommBleed and RedShift worked very, very hard, in the very difficult case of alt-MGTOW, to have him choose life.

I even had alt-MGTOW on my show and just let him talk his heart out to the audience of about 50 guys who all encouraged him to choose life.

There has been no man who has done more to secure the rights of men and boys over the last 16 years. There is not even a close second.

So, you would imagine men would be grateful.

You would imagine men would be respectful.

And you would imagine that men would say:

“Well, given that the governments are attacking Pete for risking his life securing my rights that I have no clue how to secure? And given they have driven him into poverty? I will help him out.”

Yes, you would imagine that.

You would imagine wrong.

In fact, of the 150,000+ men I have asked for help? Only a handful have.

Mostly men lie about me, slander me, shit on me, dis-respect me and hate on me.

Well Gentlemen?

Even I have my tolerance limit on ingratitude and disrespect.

This week I reached that tolerance.

I was going to give you a whole set of example but I have decided to save my typing time.

Suffice it to say that men have lied about me, slandered me, shit on me, called me a grifter, a paedophile, a wife beater, a child abuser.

None of the other men who witnessed this came in and said:

“Hey, don’t dis-respect Pete like that. He has earned your respect. She him the respect he has earned. If you don’t? You are unworthy of many mans respect”.

Even today when I say to men:

“Remember fellas, I proved alimony and child support were voluntary in January 2008.”

They always say: “Prove it”.

When I point out I have already proved it publicly they say: “Well prove it again to me.”

There is never any offer to pay me for my time.


My estimate is that I have put in 15,000 unpaid hours of effort saving mens lives.

I have proven what I have claimed over and over again.

By being willing to stand up in public in my own name I have lost a USD1.2M house and over USD4M in revenue. And those are conservative estimates.

I have also done jail time.

I have also been driven into poverty and currently have over USD200K in debts at the age of 60.

When laydees say to me “there is no reason ever for a man to kill his wife?”

I would disagree.

My case shows that if I had Jennifer killed for EUR5K expenses I would have had a much easier life over the last 16 years.

Heck, even if I paid the usual EUR10K fee plus expenses that is a rounding error put next to USD5K.

Today, the BEST option a man has in divorce is to have his wife killed and simply go on with his life.

When women make the BEST option for a man to kill his wife?

Some men will.

Now, as I said, I was going to give you a long list of examples but I can’t be bothered.

This week, after more insults from a 24 year old man who was kissing the arse of a lying woman MRA? I decided I have had enough. It’s not that one mans fault. He was just the last straw.

That men have refused to do even so little as share a link for me?

Just F all those men who want help. Just F them.

They can go and ask Karen Straughn for help.

They can go and ask all those other very long list of women that cucks gave money to for being MRA for help. You know who they all are.

For my part?

I will never, ever, EVER help any man ever again without payment.

The list of exceptions to that rule is VERY SHORT.

If a man refers a man who is suicidal to me? I will tell him to refer him to Karen Straughn and all those other women who have claimed to “want to help men”.

If those women can not save his life?

Boo F-ing hoo.

If that man kills his wife? Boo F-ing hoo.

If that man kills his kids? Boo F-ing hoo.

If that man turns into a mass shooter and kills a whole bunch of people? Book F-ing hoo.

There will never again be a man like me willing to put in USD5 million, risk his life, put in 15,000 hours of unpaid effort, only to be insulted and dis-respected.

You have all heard the latest news about the Ukraine.

Joker was on his channel having kittens! LOL!

We are close to a very sizable conflict.

I have no sympathy and more for the men who are going to die. Just F them.

The number one priority today is to kill off as many simps as possible.

Hopefully, if we are lucky, 20-30 million simps will be drafted into the war.

If we are really lucky 5-10 million simps will be fertiliser on the battlefield.

I think we should have #SimpsDie4Women as our slogan call.

Any simp not willing to sign up and die for women we must destroy his life by calling him a woman hater and pinning a figurative white feather on him.

We can only hope and prey for millions of simps to go and get themselves killed.

As I said. I was going to give you a long list of examples of how men shit on me and dis-resect me but I am not interested in typing them out.

I will leave you with this.

I will never again save another mans life.

I will never again help a man who is not paying me to help him.

All these men asking for free help can just go F themselves.

Better still, they can go and ask all those “women MRAs” to help them.

For my part I will support Islam and the introduction of Sharia Law to the west.

Lastly, I will rarely, if ever, use this list again.

If you want to talk to me?

Email will be the best way to do that.

If you want to help me replace some of the USD5 million I have spent in order to get shit on by other men?

You can buy me a coffee, or 2, or 3 on this link.

===>>> Buy Me A Coffee <<<===

Of course, I don’t expect anyone to chip in outside the very few who have over the years.

Buckle up gents.

There are some rough days ahead.

That is all Gentlemen.

I wish you a great MGTOW Day!

Best Regards


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