PAN0001 – An Update From Peter Nolan


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Hello and welcome to my latest blog post.

Today is March 13th 2024 just so you know the date on which I wrote this post.

I wanted to post a “News” blog post just for those few people who care if I am still alive! LOL!

As you would be aware I took down all my posts from this site apart from my BI Sales Training Series.

For anyone who would like access to my back catalog of videos and audios you can contact me on my email address.

I have all my videos and commentaries in my drop box.

However, my drop box does hit the 400GB daily download max occasionally so I only give links to videos in there to people who I know really want them.

I use my drop box for business and it’s inconvenient when it hits the 400GB limit.

For those who used to have access to my cloud drive.

Support for my cloud drive expired, it was 12 years old.

I chose not to get a new cloud drive and I no longer share content online via any cloud drive.

If you want to review my back catalog?

You have to ask and explain why you want access to it. Period.

I had my materials public for many years.

I fought the good fight against censorship.

I didn’t get much help.

So those who didn’t want to listen to me when I was fighting the good fight against censorship can live without access to my collected works.

After all?

The situation in the world now is that a young man having access to my collected works is not going to help him.

The world is too far gone.

Sadly, many young men today are going to finish up like so many young men in the Ukraine have over the last 2 years.

Dead or severely injured from war.

That’s where we are heading gentlemen and for young men it’s not looking good.

Don’t be a Beta Brad and sign up to any military fellas.

It will not turn out well for you.

Those of you on my email list know that occasionally send out emails.

Though, of late, even these have been severely censored.

For most men, the only way to talk to me uncensored is to talk to me one on one on email.

Those who want to read my blog posts are welcome to do so.

Those who want to share my blog posts are welcome to do so.

The bigger news for me is that I have been working very hard on my Business Intelligence business.

I now have a set of partners out in front of me.

They are using my software and data models on active clients.

We have created some very cool things that I can’t talk about in public.

One of the things I can talk about in public is this.

If you are a true MGTOW, and you can prove that to me?

If you are in IT and have profound knowledge of one or more large operational systems.

If you are top 5% in capability of writing SQL against the large operational systems you know?

If you understand that answers retrieved out of large operational systems can have great value?

If you know something about Business Intelligence, most particularly about what decisions management of companies need to make?

And if you are looking for a business opportunity to leverage all of the above?

One of my businesses is an entry level Business Intelligence Business where someone with those skills can go into business and make money.

The “barrier to entry” is profound knowledge of some large operational business system like Oracle EBS, SAP, AX or others.

The secondary skill you need is to be able to write SQL against this large operational system you know to answer important questions being asked by the management to support the management decision making process.

If you have all that?

And you want to start your own business?

Use the contact form and get in touch with me.

This is a business that will suite MGTOWs who have the attributes described above.

Other than that?

My higher end business that I can’t talk about publicly does not really have any place for MGTOWs.

Those of you who know my background know I am in the data warehousing business and this is a very niche and high end business.

When I was a public figure I encouraged MGTOWs to come and work in this business to give me a “front” to make sales because of all the slander out there about me.

No MGTOWs came forward and so, in the end, I created said “fronts” through other companies.

And Gentlemen?

If you can believe this?

I am training quite a lot of ladies in my skills.

That MGTOWs turned up the opportunity to be trained by me and those opportunities went to ladies is a sad, and accurate, commentary on the world of MGTOWs.

MGTOWS complain endlessly about how the ladies are given advantages in all areas of life, including education, but when offered education by one of the worlds leading figures in a very high paying industry MGTOWs turned it down.

Also, I created the “Mens Business Association” in 2011 and proposed that Men, especially MGTOWs, co-operate and collaborate in creating businesses.


Men would not do that.

I went into internet marketing and proposed that we create the MGTOW Internet Marketing MGTOW Naught.


Men would not do that.

Some of the things that I have learned the hard way since I went public in June 2008 to save mens lives is this.

Men don’t want their lives saved.

They would rather commit suicide.

Sam deBrito is the classic case study of a man who would rather kill himself than take my advice or help me.

Men don’t want to solve their problems.

Men want to keep their problems, complain about them, and pretend to be victims of those problems which they refuse to solve.

I think it’s pretty sad men would rather commit suicide than take my advice.

But that’s what they do.

For example?

I proved alimony and child support are voluntary payments in January 2008.

Yet men still, to this day, tell my I am lying and they KNOW alimony and child support are mandatory because the government told them so and they have seen men jailed for not paying them.

Well Gentlemen?

I went to quite some trouble and expense (including USD 5 million) to save as many mens lives as I could.

I went to quite some trouble and expense to solve the issues of the divorce courts.

I went to quite some trouble and expense to solve the issues of false allegations.

I went to quite some trouble and expense to solve the issues of discriminatory hiring and pay practices so common across the western world.

It turns out men would rather die than take my advice.

I am quite happy to oblige those who wish to do so now.

Any man who wants to kill himself today because he has not been willing to take my freely given public advice over the last 16 years?


Go ahead.

If you want to do us all a favour?

Take out a few of our enemies before you kill yourself so that you at least do something useful before you check out.



I see no future in which men choose to co-operate and collaborate for your own benefit and best interests.

So I am no longer interested in proposing such now.

I have my businesses running.

MGTOWs chose not to join in.

So the only business opportunity I have now for MGTOWs is the one described above.

Developing BI analytics directly off large operational systems or replicas of the databases.

And there will be very few MGTOWs who can go into that business.

And those that do will have to pay me for my time like any other customers.

Gentlemen, in my opinion it is sad that it has come to this.

But you men simply will not stop simping.

Men, including many MGTOWs, are still simping to women.

My advice to any man who is looking for “help” is this.

Go and ask Karen Straughn for the help you need.

Karen Straughn is who men gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to.

Karen Straughn is how men gave attention to and you tube ad revenue to.

So if you have a problem?

Go and ask Karen Straughn for help.

See how you go.

As for me?

Men would not even buy me a bag of rice to nourish my body while I risked my life defending their rights.

That’s what happened.

That cannot be changed.

So men who want “help”?

Don’t be asking me.

Go and ask Karen Straughn.

With that?

I think that is enough for this post.

Have a great MGTOW day!

Best Regards.

Peter Andrew Nolan.

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